People don’t want to be sold to, but they love to buy.

Jeffrey Gitomer

Consultative selling is a sales approach that involves working closely with customers to understand their needs and challenges, and then provide tailored solutions that address those specific issues. This approach is particularly effective for SaaS companies, as it allows them to build long-term relationships with customers and deliver value beyond the initial sale. Here are some key steps to follow for consultative selling in the context of SaaS:

  1. Understand the customer’s business: The first step in consultative selling is to gain a deep understanding of the customer’s business. This involves asking questions about their goals, challenges, and pain points. It’s important to listen actively and take notes so that you can refer back to the customer’s needs throughout the sales process.
  2. Identify the customer’s needs: Based on the information gathered in the first step, the next step is to identify the customer’s needs. This involves asking more targeted questions to understand their specific pain points and challenges. By doing so, you can determine how your SaaS solution can address those needs.
  3. Tailor the solution: Once you have a clear understanding of the customer’s needs, the next step is to tailor your SaaS solution to meet those needs. This may involve customizing the solution or highlighting specific features and benefits that are most relevant to the customer.
  4. Show value: During the sales process, it’s important to demonstrate the value of your SaaS solution to the customer. This can be done through case studies, customer testimonials, or by providing a free trial or demo of the product.
  5. Provide ongoing support: Once the sale is made, it’s important to provide ongoing support to the customer. This may involve providing training and resources to help them get the most out of the product, or offering regular check-ins to ensure they are satisfied with the solution.

By following these steps, SaaS companies can build long-term relationships with customers and provide value beyond the initial sale. Consultative selling can also help companies differentiate themselves from competitors by demonstrating a deep understanding of the customer’s needs and challenges.

Check out our page on Value selling –

What kind of Sales People are needed for consultative sales for SaaS companies?

To be successful in consultative sales for SaaS companies, salespeople need a specific set of skills and characteristics. Here are some key traits to look for when hiring salespeople for consultative selling in the SaaS industry:

  1. Strong communication skills: Salespeople in consultative selling need to be able to communicate effectively with customers to understand their needs and present solutions in a clear and concise manner.
  2. Ability to listen actively: Successful consultative salespeople are good listeners who can ask probing questions to uncover the customer’s pain points and needs.
  3. Technical proficiency: Salespeople in the SaaS industry need to have a strong understanding of technology and the ability to explain complex concepts to customers in a way that is easy to understand.
  4. Analytical thinking: Salespeople in consultative selling need to be able to analyze customer data and information to identify trends and patterns that can be used to develop effective solutions.
  5. Empathy: Successful consultative salespeople are empathetic and able to understand the customer’s perspective, which allows them to build rapport and establish trust.
  6. Ability to collaborate: Consultative selling often involves working closely with other teams within the organization, such as product development or customer success. Salespeople need to be able to collaborate effectively with these teams to ensure that the customer’s needs are being met.
  7. Results-oriented mindset: Successful consultative salespeople are goal-oriented and driven to achieve results. They are able to manage their time effectively and prioritize tasks to meet sales targets.

By hiring salespeople with these characteristics and providing them with the necessary training and support, SaaS companies can build a strong sales team that is capable of driving revenue growth through consultative selling.

Check our You tube video on the same context

How consultative approach is helpful?

A consultative approach to sales involves working collaboratively with customers to understand their unique needs, challenges, and pain points, and then providing tailored solutions that address those specific issues. This approach is helpful for a number of reasons:

  1. Builds trust and credibility: By taking the time to understand the customer’s needs and providing tailored solutions, salespeople can establish themselves as trusted advisors and build long-term relationships with customers.
  2. Increases customer satisfaction: By providing solutions that are tailored to the customer’s needs, consultative selling can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. This, in turn, can lead to repeat business and referrals.
  3. Differentiates from competitors: In a crowded marketplace, consultative selling can help differentiate a company from competitors by demonstrating a deep understanding of the customer’s needs and challenges.
  4. Increases sales effectiveness: By focusing on the customer’s needs and pain points, consultative selling can increase sales effectiveness by providing solutions that are more likely to meet the customer’s requirements.
  5. Drives innovation: Consultative selling encourages collaboration between sales teams, product development teams, and customers, which can drive innovation and lead to the development of new and better solutions.

A consultative approach to sales can help companies build long-term relationships with customers, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, differentiate themselves from competitors, increase sales effectiveness, and drive innovation.